This narration clip introduces us to the main family of Arrested Development. Along with the example of the narration in the show, it also shows us the stereotypes we can expect as we get deeper into the show. 

The main character, Michael Bluth, is the type that fixes the family's problems. Even when he's about to be free of them, he stays and tries to fix things. 

Michael's mother, Lucille Bluth, is the character that is just awful. She is entitled, materialistic, self centered, and shows a lot of potential to grow as a character and as a person.

Michael's brother Buster represents the stereotype of the stupid character in the show. His equivalent in The Office would be Kevin. In Parks and Recreation Buster's equivalent would be Andy.

Michael's sister Lindsay represents people who are materialistic, have never worked a day in their life for anything, and don't plan on changing anything about that. She mooches off of the company money and doesn't see the problem with it.




