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Comparing Works

  The narration in Into the Woods and Arrested Development are very similar. The narrator knows the story, and tells the audience what's going on in the minds of the characters. What's different though is that in Into the Woods , the narrator knows how the story will end. In Arrested Development , the narrator only narrates what is currently happening, and doesn't know how the story will end.  Arrested Development  also reminds me of Pleasantville . This is not because of any similarities I noticed, but because Don Knotts is the TV repairman in Pleasantville , but he also worked alongside Ron Howard in   The Andy Griffith Show.     The narration in Arrested Development is also similar to the narration in Stranger than Fiction . In Stranger than Fiction , the author narrates Harold's life as it happens. That is the same thing that the narrator in Arrested Development does. The audience gets narration as events occur.   

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